Moshe Zuckermann and Udi Raz: Two anti-Israel Recruits


Editorial Note 

The Turkish Labor Party (EMEP) hosted a Middle East Conference on May 25-26, 2024.

The conference discussed the developments in the Middle East, particularly “Israel’s attacks on Palestine.” The EMEP statement emphasized that “Israel’s attacks on the Palestinian people have caused tens of thousands of deaths and forced many to migrate.” The conference was “an important step to draw attention to such humanitarian crises and to show solidarity with the Palestinian people.” 

The conference discussed “The inaction of regional states in response to Israel’s attacks on Palestine.” It was also noted that the continuous actions of the world’s workers have not been enough to “stop Israel’s aggressiveness,” and that states “responded to these protests with violence, giving Israel a green light.” The conference agreed that the “massacre of the Palestinian people must stop immediately and that their right to self-determination must be recognized.”  

On the last day, the EMEP released a final declaration, stating “Peoples should determine their own destiny. We stand with the Palestinian people against Israeli genocide.” 

One of the speakers was “Israeli anti-Zionist Prof. Moshe Zuckermann” who “criticized Israel’s attacks on Palestine and the Netanyahu regime.” Prof. Zuckermann addressed the Israeli government in his video message. He stated: “Since January 2023, we have had the most right-wing, one could even say fascist coalition in the entire history of the Israeli parliament. This coalition consists of the right-wing Likud party, two religious – Orthodox parties that are anti-Zionist or non-Zionist, and a third Orthodox party that is mainly elected by Orthodox Jews from the East. There are two parties that are relevant to our topic today: Two religious parties led by Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, which we can also call messianic-religious parties.” 

Another speaker was Udi Raz, a doctoral fellow at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies at the Free University Berlin. Raz, from the German-based Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East “described the German state’s efforts to silence dissenting Jews by labeling all criticism of Zionism as anti-Semitism.” Raz said, “In many ways they are racist and fascist, undemocratic, even though they were democratically elected.” He spoke about the criminalization of anti-Zionist Jews in today’s Germany. Raz noted that anti-Zionist Jews in Germany are accused of being anti-Semites: “We, as anti-Zionist Jews, issued a statement saying, ‘Together with the Jews of Europe and the world, we declare that Israeli colonialism, the occupation of Palestine, the persecution and oppression of the Palestinian people are not carried out in the name of the Jews of the world,’ and then we in the Middle East were branded as anti-Semites. We were boycotted and sanctioned, we were isolated, our bank accounts were frozen.”

The highlights of the conference were “the immediate cessation of the massacre of the Palestinian people, the declaration of a ceasefire, the reconstruction of Gaza and the facilitation of the return of the Palestinian people to their homes. It called for the recognition of the Palestinian state and the release of Palestinians in prison. It was stated that the right to self-determination belongs to the Palestinian people.” 

Not surprisingly, the EMEP is a member of the International Conference of Marxist–Leninist Parties and Organizations (CIPOML). 

Both Zuckermann and Raz espouse anti-Israel ideas disguised as scholarship.  Zuckermann has had a long career in this respect, as IAM repeatedly noticed. For example, in 2001, he published a Hebrew book, The Israel Foundry: Myths and Ideology in a Conflictual Society, which the Journal of Palestinian Studies reviewed in Arabic in 2002. Similarly, Raz is signaling to the anti-Israel cohorts he is happy to provide anti-Israel perception upon request. 

Using the neo-Marxist, critical jargon, pro-Palestinian activists all over the globe use the democratic systems of the West to promote a non-democratic society. They recruit Israeli academics to do the job. 


EMEP Middle East Conference Final Declaration: We stand with the Palestinian people against Israeli genocide

EMEP has released the final declaration of the Middle East Conference held on 25-26 May: “Peoples should determine their own destiny. We stand with the Palestinian people against Israeli genocide”.

The Labour Party (EMEP) has issued a final declaration following the International Conference on the Middle East, held at the United Metal Workers’ Union headquarters on 25-26 May. The conference was organised to discuss major developments in the Middle East, particularly Israel’s attacks on Palestine.

The statement emphasised that Israel’s attacks on the Palestinian people have caused tens of thousands of deaths and forced many to migrate. The conference was highlighted as an important step to draw attention to such humanitarian crises and to show solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The first day of the two-day conference focused on hegemonic struggles and the economic and political dimensions of inter-state relations in the region. On the second day, solutions were discussed with a focus on public dynamics. Local and international academics, politicians and journalists examined the intense and bloody agenda centred on Palestine from historical and regional perspectives.


It has been noted that the Middle East has been one of the regions with the most intense competition among the imperialist states throughout the twentieth century and today. This competition has become more and more intense because of oil, natural gas and strategic routes. The escalation of conflicts in the region has been linked to the rise of China and Russia as “superpowers”. It was noted that states and local authorities serving the interests of global monopolies have created and exploited unresolved issues in the region by provoking religious and sectarian conflicts.


The ongoing proxy wars in Syria and the direct interventions of the USA and Russia were discussed in terms of their destructive impact on the region. The conflicts between these two powers were seen as ongoing efforts to expand their influence and control over regional resources.


It was mentioned that the Turkish government takes every opportunity to assert its initiatives both in the region and globally. This includes operations in neighbouring countries to expand the National Pact (Misak-ı Milli), the sale of drones to Middle Eastern countries, the sale of public institutions and land, the search for partners for projects, and the evaluation of investment opportunities for capital.


The inaction of regional states in response to Israel’s attacks on Palestine was criticised. It was noted that the continuous actions of the world’s workers have not been enough to stop Israel’s aggressiveness, and that states have responded to these protests with violence, giving Israel a green light. It was noted that the power and influence of the states that recognise Palestine has not been enough to make Netanyahu back down.


The conference agreed that the massacre of the Palestinian people must stop immediately and that their right to self-determination must be recognised. Key issues included Turkey’s refugee and immigration policy, which turns the country into a depot, and the internal and external political instrumentalisation of the policy towards the Kurdish people spread across four countries.


Israeli anti-Zionist Prof. Moshe Zuckermann criticised Israel’s attacks on Palestine and the Netanyahu regime. Udi Raz of the German-based Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East described the German state’s efforts to silence dissenting Jews by labelling all criticism of Zionism as anti-Semitism. Al-Taher, from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, stressed the importance of democratic popular unity and united struggle against the militant and massacring alliance of Israel and the USA.


The main highlights of the conference were the immediate cessation of the massacre of the Palestinian people, the declaration of a ceasefire, the reconstruction of Gaza and the facilitation of the return of the Palestinian people to their homes. It called for the recognition of the Palestinian state and the release of Palestinians in prison. It was stated that the right to self-determination belongs to the Palestinian people.

Thanks were expressed to the speakers from home and abroad, to the participants who were present in the hall for two days, to those who watched the live broadcast and to everyone who shared their feelings and thoughts.


May 25, 2024

10:30 Opening Speech: Seyit Aslan (Labor Party Chair)


Moderator: Fulya Alikoç

  • Musa Özuğurlu (Journalist)
  • Gilbert Achcar (UK, Academic)
  • Maher Arafat Al-Taher (Palestine)


Moderator: Nuray Sancar

  • Arzu Yılmaz (KRG – Iraq)
  • Bahadır Özgür (Journalist)
  • Mühdan Sağlam (Academic)
  • Erhan Keleşoğlu (Academic)

May 26, 2024


Moderator: Hediye Levent

  • Sibel Karadağ (Academic)
  • Doğan Çetinkaya (Academic)
  • Mira Assadi (Iran, Academic)
  • Kıvanç Eliaçık (Union Expert)


Moderator: Hakkı Özdal

  • Moshe Zuckermann (Israel, Academic)
  • Udi Raz (Germany, Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East)
  • Lindsey German (UK, Stop The War Coalition)
  • Cengiz Çiçek (DEM Party MP)
  • İskender Bayhan (EMEP MP


Google Translate from Turkish

JUNE 1, 2024
Middle East Conference: People Should Determine Their Own Destiny. We Stand with the Palestinian People Against Israel’s Genocide

The International Middle East Conference, which we organized to discuss the developments in the Middle East and to express solidarity with the Palestinian people, especially the deaths of tens of thousands of people, mostly children and women, and their forced migration due to Israel’s massacre attacks against the Palestinian people, has filled an important gap.

On the first day, the political economy and political dimensions of hegemony struggles in the region and inter-state relations; On the second Middle East day, local and foreign academics, politicians and journalists who made presentations at our conference, where public dynamics and solution proposals were discussed, placed the intense and bloody agenda that Palestine focused on in its historical and regional dimensions. First of all, we would like to thank them for this solidarity.

Throughout the twentieth century and now, the Middle East has been a region where the fault lines have been most activated by competition and contradictions between imperialist states whose power and influence have changed. Oil, natural gas, open sea and land routes reaching from distant Asia to Europe and Africa have always been at a critical point in terms of being a source of cheap labor. Today, this competition has jumped to the next level. With the rise of China and Russia to the league of ‘superpowers’, conflicts that have emerged in the form of local wars and are gradually increasing in intensity continue.

States serving the interests of world monopolies and local governments in cooperation with them are in a constant state of intervention to re-share an already shared world and to consolidate hegemony by provoking religious and sectarian conflicts, creating unresolvable problems in the region and taking advantage of this deadlock.

After years of proxy war in Syria, two hegemonic powers; The powers that openly confront Russia and the United States with their arrival on the field continue to expand their spheres of influence through the debris they left behind and negotiate over regional resources.

The Turkish administration shares with each other the areas of initiative in the region and the world; They do not shy away from making moves at every opportunity to make the most of the results of their fight, which they wage in some low places, sometimes by going around each other, and in some areas with hot contact. This process is used to expand the National Pact on land and waterways from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea, with operations carried out on the borders of neighboring countries. The government markets unmanned aerial vehicles through crowded visits to Middle Eastern countries, sells remaining lands with public institutions, looks for partners for projects, tries to provide swaps to the treasury, and personally evaluates investment opportunities for capital.

The fact that most of the regional states did not react or impose sanctions during Israel’s attack on Palestine was an indication of how the Palestinian people gave way to Israeli politics, which has long been the battering ram of US imperialism.

The uninterrupted actions of the world’s workers against Israel’s attacks have not yet been enough to stop Israeli aggression. Moreover, states responded to these protests with violence, giving Israel an undying green light. The power and influence of the states that recognize Palestine could not make Netanyahu step back.


Our conference tried to follow the line in detailing the dimensions of this general situation in the Middle East and connecting the parts to the whole.

Different ideas on this platform; Solution suggestions and wishes were expressed within the scope of international solidarity on the Middle East and Palestine. The common opinion is that the massacre of the Palestinian people should be stopped immediately and the people’s right to self-determination should be recognized.

Among the prominent topics were the refugee and immigrant policy that caused Turkey to become a warehouse country and the international dimensions of this situation. On the other hand, the instrumentalization of political action against the Kurdish people scattered across four countries in the Middle East in terms of domestic and foreign policy is also among the agenda items.

Israeli anti-Zionist Prof., who could not attend the conference in person for predictable reasons, but delivered his speech via video recording. Moshe Zuckermann criticized Israel’s attacks on Palestine and the Netanyahu regime. Udi Raz, from the ‘Jewish Voice Association for a Just Peace in the Middle East’ based in Germany, also talked about the German state’s attempt to silence opposing Jews in order to create ‘its own Jew’ by accusing all criticism of Zionism and the state of Israel as anti-Semitism, and talked about these experiences added to the conference record.

Maher Arafat Al-Taher from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine attended our conference. This picture once again points out that the common struggle of the people against the warlike and murderous union established on the Israel-USA axis is possible and important.

Israel’s aggression, the world in bloodshed 

It is a necessity to strengthen the democracy and peace front in the region and in the country against the wars waged by the regional states and imperialist monopolies, which do not hesitate to fight, to restructure the Middle East.

The important emphasis of our conference is this: The massacre against the Palestinian people must be stopped immediately, a ceasefire must be declared, Gaza must be rebuilt and the people of Gaza must be allowed to return to their homes. In addition, the Palestinian state should be recognized and Palestinians in prisons should be released.

The fate of the Palestinian people will be determined by the Palestinian people themselves.

We would like to thank the speakers who attended our conference from home and abroad, the participants who were in the hall for two days, and everyone who watched from the live broadcast, used the podium in the hall or returned and expressed their feelings and thoughts.




Google Translate from German

May 29, 2024

International Middle East Conference in Turkey

The Labour Party (EMEP) organised a two-day “International Middle East Conference” on 25 and 26 May. Many speakers from Turkey , Iraq, Iran, Palestine , Israel, Lebanon, Germany and England attended the conference or were connected via video message.

The opening speech was given by EMEP Chairman Seyit Aslan. Aslan recalled that Israel is openly supported by the world ‘s major imperialist states, especially the USA, and pointed out that the states in the region, including Turkey with the AKP government of President Erdogan , are also largely silent about the massacre of the Palestinian people .

Pointing out that Turkey , which wants to benefit from the contradictions of the imperialist forces and is therefore looking for opportunities for expansionism in the region, Aslan said: “All imperialist military bases in the region, especially in Turkey , must be closed , the imperialist states must withdraw from the region , Netanyahu must be convicted as a war criminal in an independent court , the Palestinian problem must be solved with a two-state solution ! “

“Biden continues to expand Trump’s pro-Israel policy”

Lebanese academic Gilbert Achcar said the Israeli government was rapidly moving toward the extreme right: “The program of Zionism already has such a dynamic. It is a tangent entirely focused on racism, militarism and the extreme right. In the current situation , it coincides with the global trend of the shift to the right.” Achcar pointed out that at the same time, a major pro-Israel shift was taking place in the United States : “Trump was called the most pro-Israel US president in the country’s history at that time . Biden completely followed Trump in this area and even developed it further. Biden even openly and proudly declared himself a Zionist.”

“This is a historic war against imperialism.”

Journalist Musa Ö zu ğ urlu recalled the period of imperialist division that began after the Industrial Revolution and pointed out that Western imperialists are trying to gain influence in the region by supporting religiously oriented governments.

In this sense, Özuğurlu stressed that the war being waged in this region today is a historic war and said: “The resistance that the Palestinian people are putting up today is not only against Israel. The Palestinians are also fighting against the United States, which is the stronghold and executive organ of Western imperialism.”

“Erdoğan would not make harsh statements if he didn’t have to 

Commenting on the AKP government’s stance on the war, Ö zu ğ urlu said: “If we look at the past, it cannot be said that the AKP government has been very supportive of the Palestinian issue. I do not think that President Erdo ğ an would have used such harsh rhetoric on this issue recently if he had not been forced to . They had to do it because support for the Palestinian people began to grow all over the world.” Ö zu ğ urlu recalled that the left in Turkey has always supported the Palestinian cause and should not leave the field to Islamists . Ö zu ğurlu stressed that the Palestinian issue was indeed one of the important issues used by political Islamists to consolidate and establish their power.

The most right-wing, fascist coalition in Israel

Prof. Dr. Moshe Zuckermann from Israel addressed the Israeli government in his video message. He stated : “Since January 2023, we have had the most right-wing, one could even say fascist coalition in the entire history of the Israeli parliament. This coalition consists of the right-wing Likud party, two religious – Orthodox parties that are anti-Zionist or non-Zionist, and a third Orthodox party that is mainly elected by Orthodox Jews from the East . There are two parties that are relevant to our topic today: Two religious parties led by Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, which we can also call messianic-religious parties .” Udi  Raz, doctoral student at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies  In many ways they are racist and fascist, undemocratic, even though they were democratically elected . “

“Anti-Zionist Jews are being criminalized”

Udi Raz, a doctoral student at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies and a member of the board of the German- based Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East, spoke about the criminalization of anti-Zionist Jews in today’s Germany. Raz noted that anti-Zionist Jews in Germany are accused of being anti-Semites: “We, as anti-Zionist Jews, issued a statement saying , ‘Together with the Jews of Europe and the world, we declare that Israeli colonialism, the occupation of Palestine , the persecution and oppression of the Palestinian people are not carried out in the name of the Jews of the world ,’ and then we  in the Middle East  were branded as anti-Semites. We were boycotted and sanctioned, we were isolated, our bank accounts were frozen.”

Being a Woman in the Middle East

Academic Mira Assadi spoke about the experiences of women in the Middle East using Iran as an example. Assadi explained that women in the Middle East live in a triangle of oppression : “I define these as religion, politics and the patriarchal system. In Iran, there is a difference between women’s domestic life and public life . We have always thought secretly and rebelled secretly. This rebellion broke out every ten years. There were riots and protests, but there was a state that was stronger than us and we had to return home .” In September 2022, after Jina Mahsa Amini was killed by the morality police , women began their resistance again.
Assadi said: “Women’s resistance continues today. If Iran will be a free country one day, it will be under the leadership of women.”

“An international movement is necessary 

In her video presentation at the conference, Lindsey German of the UK’s Stop the War Coalition also referred to the ongoing arms buildup and increasing likelihood of war around the world, saying: “There is an ongoing war in Ukraine, a proxy war between NATO and Russia. There is an ongoing war in Gaza and an ongoing crisis throughout the Middle East. There is also the possibility of war in the Pacific. There is already an economic war going on. The arms race is continuing. And we have to fear that this will escalate into a larger conflict . In other words, we are discussing these issues at a time of great crisis and great danger to the future of humanity.” German stated : “I believe that we need to build an international movement . We talk about the resistance and resilience of the Palestinian people. This is at the heart of our actions. But we also need our resistance and our international resilience.”


Portal Novosti, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Google Translate from Bosnian

Udi Raz

I think that my participation in public protests and advocacy for the equality of Palestinians and Jews in the state of Israel was more decisive for my dismissal than the word apartheid. I go to these protests as a man, out of my conviction that I must rebel against the situation in which the Palestinians live in Gaza and the occupied territories

Large son
Udi Raz speaks at a protest for a free Palestine at the FU Berlin on November 3, 2023 (photo by Mariam Aboughazi)

So, I am Udi Raz, Jewish and Israeli, born in 1987 in Haifa, living in Berlin. On October 25, 2023, I was fired from my position as a guide at the Jewish Museum. Haifa is in Palestine and Israel, that’s what I say, it’s self-evident to me, as I sometimes say as a woman, which is self-evident to me. Since 2012, I live in Berlin. I came here so that I would not live in a constant state of war. In Berlin, at the Freie Universität, I studied oriental cultures, and now I am writing my doctorate. My parents were born in Israel, in a kibbutz, they grew up in Zionist indoctrination. My father’s father, my grandfather, was born in Lithuania, and my father’s mother, my grandmother, was born in Argentina. Grandfather spoke Lithuanian, Yiddish and Russian, and grandmother Spanish and Yiddish. They came to Palestine after the end of the Second World War, and after the establishment of Israel, they left the kibbutz and moved to Haifa.

I met more Palestinians in Berlin than in Haifa. Of course, more Arabs. In Haifa I had only one Palestinian in my class, I wasn’t allowed to meet any more. I say it wasn’t “allowed”, it wasn’t expressly forbidden, it’s not written in any law or provision (at least I haven’t seen it written), but that’s how it is in life. It was arranged systematically, and systematically: in 12 years of schooling in Haifa, I had only one Palestinian schoolmate, and that only for three years, in nine years, none. And that in a city where many Palestinians live, and without whom its history cannot be written.

In Berlin, until October 25, I worked as a guide for a department of the Jewish Museum. That department is dedicated to the post-war triangle “Judaism – Israel – Germany”. As a guide, I attended and completed a course, and I led mainly school groups, but also groups of adult visitors. Often, as someone who is Jewish and was still born and raised in Israel, I also shared my experiences from Haifa. Once, while on a video device playing Angela Merkel’s Staatsräson speech for her visits to the Israeli Knesset, I mentioned that Palestinians in Israel are not equal citizens with Jews, but that, according to authoritative independent reports by independent organizations (such as Amnesty International , Human Rights Watch and the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem) Palestinians live under the apartheid state of Israel. There I also explained what apartheid is, the origin of the word, its meaning and other aspects. Of course, all this as a man who was born and grew up in Israel and who is familiar with the reality of what he is saying, so, all in all, I can say about myself, I am an authoritative witness.

I said what is true: that the Palestinians in the land west of the Jordan River do not have the right to vote in the Israeli parliament, but the Jews do. It is apartheid, on the fascist model. Someone heard about it, so they reported me, and I was fired by the boss, that is, by the head of the Museum’s educational department, her name is dr. Diana Dressel. My signed contract was canceled verbally. Well, the Museum has no obligation to fire me as a freelancer with an explanation. The problem is not my boss, the one who fired me, the problem is the Jüdisches Museum Berlin, which is no longer independent, but in the service of the politics of the current government of Israel. I think that more than the word apartheid (by the way, reports of humanitarian organizations around the world are regularly full of it), my participation in public protests and advocacy for the equality of Palestinians and Jews in the state of Israel was decisive for my dismissal. I go to these protests as a human being, out of my conviction that I must rebel against the situation in which Palestinians live in Gaza and the occupied territories. I also go to the protests as a member of the Berlin group “Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East”. Here is this photo where I have a Palestinian headscarf around my neck, it was taken the other day at a protest to end the genocide in Gaza, in front of the large canteen that belongs to the complex where I studied, which is called Freie Universität Berlin. Antisemitism sometimes occurs to me, these are the times now.

That I pronounce and repeat the name racist and apartheid for the regime of today’s state of Israel, did not come from any whim or eclipse of mine, but from experience and conviction. I was in Haifa when there were many terrorist attacks at the beginning of the third millennium. A lot of my peers, whom I knew, my schoolmates also died in those attacks. There is a constant state of war there. All this made me want to leave Haifa and Israel. I decided to go to Germany, because I heard that it is a good country to live and study. And I came, first to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. I was there for a year, then I came to Berlin. But my heart remained in Haifa. My parents live there, many friends live there, I was born there and spent my young years there. And I know from there, I know too well, how the Palestinians live and how they feel. I know that they consider the year 1948, when the state of Israel was proclaimed, to be the beginning of their catastrophe. I know, because I listened to it, it is still heard from them today. I understand their pain when they say that, it is justified.

This problem of creating only Israel and not creating Palestine, and otherwise any problematization of the issue of the Palestinian state, has been under a tacit ban in Germany since two years ago. Everything else can be a topic of conversation, but the Palestinian issue, not really. Germany is known to be in a permanent process of dealing with its past. In this confrontation regarding Jews and Israel, there are various ways and paths: compensation is paid to the descendants of Holocaust victims, Jews from the former Soviet Union are allowed to immigrate to Germany, but Israel is also given unquestioning support for anything Israel does. Thus, for the Palestinians, the hell in which they live in Gaza, apartheid in the West Bank of Jordan, and for God’s sake also for those in Israel, is slowly moving to Germany. They are less and less given the right to speak about their position. This situation has no basis in any German law, statute or legal act, it’s all tacit, it’s what the police do, it’s how it’s done and implemented, it’s clear, everything according to permission “from above”.

Before leaving Israel, I wanted to learn Arabic, to enroll in an Arabic language course. At that time, and that was the year 2009, there was only one place in all of Israel where this was possible. This was in a center called Giv’at Haviva, which is located halfway between Haifa and Tel Aviv towards the West Bank area of Jordan. So, after completing my military service, I enrolled, of my own volition and desire, in an Arabic language course. I also attended that course for half a year, it was Arabic, actually a Palestinian spoken language, and it is interesting that a lot of young men attended it before going to the army, probably those who later in the army took on tasks to work for example for the intelligence services.

In Berlin, I studied culture and history of the Middle East for three years, then Islamic culture and society, and after finishing my studies, four years ago, I enrolled in doctoral studies at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, at the Freie Universität. In research for my doctorate, I deal with “Semitic” negotiations and agreements, that is, the phenomenon of redefining the Other between Muslims and Jews in today’s Germany. The title of my doctoral dissertation is in English: Negotiating “Semites”: Muslims and Jews redefine Otherness in today’s Germany. So, my Jewish and Israeli origin and experience, and the experience of living in a city with a Palestinian ethnic community, is not the only thing that makes me equipped to speak about Israelis and Palestinians, but this also includes my research in the field of Muslim culture and religion, I am not immodest when I say that it doesn’t make me less competent but makes me even more competent. But in the Museum, where I worked honorably, censorship was imposed on the use of words that the museum guide uses, even when they are not his own, but when he cites them from the reports of independent organizations that protect human dignity and rights.


Zuckermann, The Israel Foundry: Myths and Ideology in a Conflictual Society

AUTHOR: Samir Sarras 


Foundry: Myths and Ideology in a Conflictual Society

ORIGINAL TITLE: חרושת הישראליות: מיתוסים ואדאולוגיה בחברה מסוכסכת

BOOK AUTHOR: Moshe Zuckermann



Google Translate from Arabic

176, pp. (2002, Spring) 50, Issue 13, Al Majal, Journal of Palestinian Studies


 Conflict prevails in society in mythology and ideology.
 Zuckermann Moshe. 261 Pages, 2001. Resling Publications: Tel Aviv.
 Comprehensive definition presenting with the aim of “Israeli identity” is the subject of this book.
 It is a matter of itself, making multiple agents or sides on the light, which is a goal, but it has continuous, the practical process of the work of all aspect , In congregation full
 and the end of the formation of its Zionist formal formation, the Tel Aviv University in the History philosophy, a professor and the writer. A prominent problem of the goals was one of the “normal nature” with a claim between the prevailing the contradiction that this is Israeli; The community is characterized by the actual contradictions and between the legalism, the contexts, due to the investigation, the non-establishment of some of the parties that are in the vicinity is possible.

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